Law enforcement queries

In the event fraud should occur, Stitch is committed to assisting law enforcement officers with investigations where necessary. We created this page to provide a dedicated channel through which law enforcement officials may direct queries.

Law enforcement

As a payment service provider, we understand that bad actors may occasionally utilise our services to commit fraud against their victims.

If you are acting on behalf of a victim as an authorised investigator, please submit this form, or email Mike McLaren on and, and we will get back to you within 1 business day.

Law enforcement FAQs

What types of information can be requested?
How long does it take to process a request?
What is Stitch’s role as a Payment Provider?
What is a Third Party Payment Provider?

Useful links

If you believe you are a victim of fraud, we have some useful links that you may use to protect yourself, take action, or query your own data:

My merchant account has been blocked due to a fraud dispute. What steps can I follow to unblock my account?

I am a victim of fraud and would like my merchant account to be blocked as soon as possible. What can I do?

To query data belonging to you or someone who has authorised you to do so, please navigate to Annexure A of our PAIA Manual here.